Viper G2 Compact

3” gas operated, semi-automatic shotgun that allows you to shoot light target loads to heavy waterfowl loads interchangeably. Shim kits standard. Removable choke system uses Beretta®/Benelli® Mobil Threads, includes three choke tubes (IC, M, F), choke box, and wrench. Highly durable injection molded stock and forearm coated with “Soft Touch” finish for better feel. Rubber Recoil pad, fiber optic sight, and shim kits standard, backed by a five-year warranty.


  • Manual E-Z Load Magazine Cut-Off
  • Vent Rib w/ Matted Sight Plane
  • Fiber Optic Sight
  • 5 Round Magazine- Shot Plug Included
  • Quick Shot Plug Removal
  • Chrome-lined Chamber and Barrel
  • Oversized Bolt Handle and Release (SR Models Only)
  • Compact Stock LOP - 13"
  • 3 Beretta®/Benelli® Mobil Style Choke Tubes (IC, M, F)
  • Shim kits standard


Gas operated Semi-automatic. Bolt remains open after last round is fired. If magazine and chamber are both loaded, opening action will result in ejecting shell from chamber and cycling new shell from magazine into the chamber. If operator desires to unload chamber only, slightly push lifter up and open action. This cuts the magazine off from cycling new shell while unloading the chamber. Chamber will remain closed if shells still remain in magazine however.


The primary safety is located on the backside of the trigger guard. When engaged, the safety is designed to block the trigger, hammer lever and the hammer which makes the firing mechanism immobile.


Tubular magazine, bottom loading. Shot plug included and comes installed. Shot plug easily removable by unscrewing the magazine cap. Simply pull plug out and replace magazine cap.

Viper G2 Wood Compact
ItemGaugeBbl. LengthAvg. WeightLOPChoke
241042024"5.7 lbs.13"CT-3
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CT-3 Imp Cyl, Modified, Full
Viper G2 Synthetic Compact
ItemGaugeBbl. LengthAvg. WeightLOPChoke
241121224"6.5 lbs.13"CT-3
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24113.41026"5.7 lbs.13"CT-3
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CT-3 Imp Cyl, Modified, Full
Viper G2 Synthetic Compact
Synthetic 2 Stock
ItemGaugeBbl. LengthAvg. WeightLOPChoke
241302024"6.2 lbs.13"CT-3
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CT-3 Imp Cyl, Modified, Full
Viper G2 Camo Compact
RT Edge
ItemGaugeBbl. LengthAvg. WeightLOPChoke
241142024"6 lbs.13"CT-3
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24133.41024"5.5 lbs.13"CT-3
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CT-3 Imp Cyl, Modified, Full
Viper G2 Camo Compact
RT Edge 2 Stock
ItemGaugeBbl. LengthAvg. WeightLOPChoke
241292024"6.2 lbs.13"CT-3
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CT-3 Imp Cyl, Modified, Full
Viper G2 Sporting Compact
ItemGaugeBbl. LengthAvg. WeightLOPChoke
241592026"6.2 lbs.13"CT-3XY
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CT-3XY Modified, Improved Cylinder, Full (all extended)
Viper G2 Sporting Compact
ItemGaugeBbl. LengthAvg. WeightLOPChoke
241612026"6.2 lbs.13"CT-3XY
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CT-3XY Modified, Improved Cylinder, Full (all extended)